First impressions and how to impress buyers.

Mildura Latest News 16th November, 2016 No Comments


First impressions Lawn mower

Property sellers are often told about the importance of cleaning and de-cluttering their homes but there are a few more things you need to do to impress buyers, and they happen before they even show up to your front door.

Make first impressions count

In most cases a property’s first opportunity to impress buyers is going to happen online.

Your real estate listing is what is going to attract the majority of buyers to your property and so it needs to stand out and encourage buyers to see more.

The best real estate listings include professional photos, compelling copy and potentially floor plans, drone photography, and more.

Property photos are particularly important and there’s a lot of competition to make properties look styled, modern and move-in ready. Speak to your selling agent about what you can do to ensure that you’re showing off the best aspects of your property and that you’re doing everything you can do maximise your home’s value.

Decide on the right price

One of the biggest deciding factors for buyers is price, so understandably this is one of the first things that a prospective buyer will want to know more about.

It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to price a property correctly if you want to impress buyers.

Pricing a property too low could mean that a property doesn’t get the value it deserves, and pricing too high could turn off buyers altogether.

Price is something that you will need to discuss seriously with your selling agent. Remember, your agent has extensive experience in selling and what works and what doesn’t, so listen to their advice and don’t be afraid to ask for their reasoning behind pricing or marketing preferences, or for any information to help you decide the best way to sell.

Focus on kerb appeal

The front of your house is like a business card that represents what the rest of the house is going to offer, so make sure it’s doing the property justice.

It’s so important to keep this area of the property neat and tidy for the duration of a sale, because prospective buyers are likely to drive by and inspect your house to see if they want to follow it up further.

This means that you might need to pay attention to garden upkeep and fix fences or paintwork if it is bringing the overall appearance of your property down.

Overall, ensure that the initial impressions of your home count and that you choose a selling agent that understands the importance of quality marketing and property presentation.

For further advice about selling your home for maximum value, contact the Professionals Mildura today on 50211900 or go to our website

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